Career Management
My experience as a promoter and producer is nourished with knowledge having initiated singing competitions, musical productions and career goal creation workshops. I have lectured and held workshops at various universities around the world on how to prepare for a successful entry into the world of work. Through my professional and experience-based advice and support, a path is determined for every musician and singer that corresponds to their musical and interpretive qualities.

Let's start planning now
I will work out a plan with you side by side, which will give you firm steps on your way to becoming an opera singer. We will work together on your advertising measures and your digital marketing and plan which projects you should organize on your own and how you can carry them out.
With more than 30 years of experience as a singing teacher, my technique is based on the Italian bel canto school, which I received from my Spanish and Italian teachers. I attach great importance to the meaning of the text, its expressive content and the right diction, but above all to the interpretation of the idea and the story behind each composition.
my method
In singing lessons with me you will learn to breathe in a way that benefits the emission of the voice and we will do exercises to help you expand your lung capacity. You will learn the bel canto technique, a technique based on singing supported by the conscious and controlled flow of air, with a mask position that amplifies the sound through the facial resonators. The sound you create will be an advanced sound (in maschera) but with sacred amplitude (di testa). You will also work with the chest voice and learn to connect one register to another by masking the tones in the passage so that you sing with an even color across the whole register of the voice.
what is important to me
You work with me on the diction of the operatic languages, which I speak like my own. I attach particular importance to analyzing the texts and knowing their historical context. We'll dig deeper into the character when it comes time to sing one and even bring her to life "scenic" to make the psychological approach to the character more believable. I will accompany you musically on the piano myself (Superior Piano Diploma) until we want to work more intensively on the scenic and interpretative aspects.
And as a bonus there is
We will have the opportunity to sing for other singing experts who come to our classes or give masterclasses to give you qualitative feedback and to get you used to the situation of singing in front of an unfamiliar audience. You will appear in my Plusopera productions and in the biannual student concerts, where you can show what progress you have made and what the next steps are.